

Name/theme of Camp: Paonia Dance Camp (aka Canyonlands East), spring and fall

Location: Paonia, CO

Nearest Airports: Grand Junction or Montrose, CO

Time of Year: May and September

Weather: Variable. Bring layers and rain gear just in case.

Who Attends: People from our intermountain west community (Montana through Colorado, Arizona, NM and Utah) as well as the Midwest and sometimes people from further away, including as far off as Canada, Europe or Australia. Usually 60+ people.

Accommodations: Some lodging onsite, camping (tents or rigs) onsite, motels and air b'n'bs nearby.

Special Considerations: These are dog friendly camps. Electricity availability and cell phone service are variable.

Special Features: Bernie Heideman and Sky Roshay have been doing these camps twice a year since 1999, with a seamless leadership style and strong energy. We invite leaders into the center throughout the camp. Other features: Usually a talented musicians' circle; Thursday morning check in circle; Rumi Cafe talent/no talent show; clothing exchange and bazaar; Deeper Dance conversations.

Contact: Sky Roshay, 928-536-3307 or Jennifer Stock, (303) 433-1991 or

Website/Facebook Page/etc.: Dances of Universal Peace Canyonlands Camp and More (FB); (website)

Camp Write-Up: Almost every time we say at the end, "This was the best one yet," and every time we're right: the camps just keep getting stronger and deeper, more joyful and profound every time. The sense of community is powerful.


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For details on this year's camps and retreats, visit One-Time Events listings, here.